Business Continuity Planning Expert

The Benefits of Certified Business Continuity Management
With Certified Business Continuity Management, you can ensure that your business is prepared for any disaster. This can save you time, money, and resources in the event of a disaster. Additionally, Certified Business Continuity Management can help you protect the data and information that are essential to the functioning of your business.
How the jigsaw fits together: ISO 22301, ISO 27031, ISO 27032, ISO 22320 and BS 11400
Understand the potential challenges and when to refer to which standards
Appreciate how the role of the crisis management team interacts with each discipline
Recognising that multiple crises can and do happen simultaneously.
Awareness of the basic nexus between resilience, security and emerging technologies
Prioritising your response activities when threatened by a multi-faceted situation
Comparison of real life recovery success stories contrasted with major catastrophes
Discover the techniques that will help "avoid the avoidable"
Dealing with the emergency preparedness threat scenarios that exist in the workplace

Winning Factors:
Post workshop support
Material in soft and hard copy format
All material prepared for this course can be re-branded and transferred to attendees
All templates used in the course are explained & handed over
Real life incident scenarios are examined and analysed in the class
Your personal copy of the trainer's published books used during the course
Quick reference prompt sheets for each of the disciplines taught to maximise the learning experience, the course will be highly interactive and include formal presentations, class discussions, videos, soundbites and group case studies
Course Schedule
Set 1.
ISO 22301 and the importance of the BCM Life Cycle
Importance of BCP
Overview of ISO 22301
Establishing Context
Roles and Responsibility in BCM
Case Study: Managing Your Documentation
The BIA in Focus
Case study - Threat Analysis and Assessment Bottom up or Down?
BCM and Supply Chain
Preparing for your BCP: Turning the strategies into a plan
Set 2.
Crisis Management: Looking at the Bigger Picture
What constitutes a crisis?
The Core Concepts of Crisis Management
Who is your crisis Management 'A' Team
Avoiding the Avoidable
Crisis Communications: Get this wrong at your peril
Who exactly are your stakeholders
Managing a Crisis in a Parallel Universe
Set 3.
IT Failure and the Cyber Threat
Understand the "Black Box" called IT failure
Survival or Extinction: When IT Disaster Recovery Really Matters
If the Cloud is the answer, what was the question?
The cyber-Threat: How bad is it out there?
Generation five Computing: A bright new future
Set 4.
Emergency Preparedness:
Protecting your employees in the workplace
Case Study: It's not the usual regular Tuesday morning fire alarm test
Case Study-Active Shooter: "The Children instinctively dove under their desks"
Case Study " Eighty died from carbon monoxide poisoning while waiting for management instructions
To evacuate or not to evacuate - that is the question

This project has been designed in consultation with Mr. Yazeed Bin Gheshiyan
Lifetime access to learning portals
You become LSBF Certified
Inhouse Training
Bring your special project
32 NASBA CPE Credits
Robert is a Business Continuity Consultant, published author, trainer and visiting university lecturer. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Business Continuity Management, a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Member of the Security Institute. Much of his practical experience has been gained during the 28 years he spent working with IBM, Fujitsu and more recently with PwC Malta.
He has a Master of Science Degree in Business Continuity, Security and Emergency Management awarded by Bucks New University. He has frequently designed, created and delivered bespoke courses for commercial audiences covering: Crisis Management, All aspects of the Business Continuity lifecycle including Awareness Training for entire
organisations, ICT Disaster Recovery, Planning to prepare for the Pandemic Threat and Emergency Preparedness. (e.g. building evacuation, shelter-in-pace, terrorism, earthquakes etc.)
He also developed a Crisis Management module for a Master's degree programme for Edinburgh Napier University
Robert Clark
Business Continuity Consultant

Getting certified in BCP is a great way to ensure that your organization is prepared for any kind of disruption.
A Business Continuity Planning certification provides a comprehensive overview of the risks associated with business disruption and how to best prepare for them.
Plus, it helps organizations develop plans that will help them get back up and running quickly after a disruption.
Ensure your business is ready for the unexpected